Monday, January 31, 2011

I am giddy with anticipation!!!!!!!!!!

Tomorrow is a snow day, and you know what that means!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  BAKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to retest that brownie recipe, make a butter pecan cake, and who knows what else.  My children crave fresh bread so maybe some of that too!  Ahhhhh, it does my soul good. 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The problem with testing

So tonight I began my journey to find the perfect fudgy brownie.  I found a few places that have done the work for me, and have tested brownie recipes for me.  I am a fudgy brownie kinda' girl.  So, after agonizing for days over a dozen different recipes, I finally settled on one that I wanted to try.  Now, don't get me wrong.  I have been making brownies all my life. I have good recipes for brownies and people like them.  However, I am a brownie snob.  When I eat a brownie, I want it to be a superior experience.  When you eat a brownie that I bake, I want you to remember it and crave it!

Tonight I baked it.  I followed the recipe to the letter.  Everything looked and smelled delicious.  However, after following the process, which included a  quick freeze cooling to make them more fudgy, I cut them open to reveal that the brownies were not completely baked.  Sigh! 

However, the taste is AMAZING.  I have found a perfect brownie recipe.  They are just sweet enough, have a strong but not overpowering chocolate flavor, and are fuuuuudgy.  I have decided that I need to put a temperature gauge in my oven.  The brownie was supposed to be cooked at 400 degrees for 20 minutes.  I cooked it about 22 minutes, and it still didn't finish out. 

The problem with testing stuff like this though, comes in the ingredients.  Flour, sugar, those are all relatively inexpensive.  But when you start adding the chocolate it gets expensive.  Butter is even expensive in this town.  I need to go to Sam's and check out getting it cheaper!  It's too expensive to buy ingredients in our town and test treats, I am sad to say.  I would love to be able to buy ingredients at reasonable prices in our town. 

I will continue my journey for the perfect brownie later this week.  If we have snow days, there is going to be a LOT of stuff coming from this kitchen.  :)  

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cupcakes, cupcakes, CUPCAKES!!!!

Happy Birthday to my oldest son JD today!  He's the big NINE today.  Every year we have some kind of a party for him.  For years I worked to create a shaped cake of a particular character that he enjoyed.  We've done Nemo, Spongebob, Spiderman, etc.  Then we got to the time period where I was driving me husband out of his blonde little mind.  He was determined that I not spend so much time killing myself in the kitchen during our children's birthdays.  So, we began the process of going to the local grocery store and buying a cake.  Which to me just was never the same.  A layer of cake topped with brightly colored (heavily dyed) whipped frosting.  It's just never been my personal cup of tea.  No offense to anyone who uses or makes them!  I have always been determined to give my kids two things.  What I never had and memories that they will treasure.  When they look back at their childhood birthday parties, I don't want them the remember going to the grocery store and picking out a cake. I want them to remember Mom in the kitchen creating something just for them.  I have some pictures of the cupcakes that I made this year.  These aren't pictures of all of them.  I usually make enough of whatever I have for the kid party and then the family party later, so I always make lots.
 This year I decided to go with cupcakes.  Cupcakes equals less mess, I thought.  I did a variety of several kinds of cupcakes and icings.  Now, these definitely aren't beauty shots.  I simply RAN out of time this year and David ended up icing a lot of them.  I also ended up quickly snapping shots of cupcakes as people were coming in, so, it doesn't really show what I wanted to.  I wanted to have these gorgeous pictures of cupcakes to show you all.  Oh well.  I'm sure it won't be the last time that I make cupcakes.  :)  This top picture of cupcakes is a combination of minis and regular sizes.  I wanted to do both.  The pink ones are strawberry cupcakes with a cream cheese icing.  The white minis are banana cupcakes with cream cheese filling.  And finally, the regular sized ones are Butterfinger cupcakes. 
 Here I have chocolate peanut butter cupcakes, chocolate chip cookie dough cupcakes, banana minis with chocolate chip icing, and more strawberry. 
Finally here, we have regular sized strawberry cream cheese. 

It was definitely an interesting process.  I love the start of all of these cupcakes.  No part of any of these came from a box or a can.  The banana cupcakes were delicious.  They were moist, but not too heavy on the banana flavor. I expected them to come out like banana bread.  They did not.  Adding the cream cheese to the top of them was WOW.

The butterfinger cupcakes were a banana cupcake base with a butterfinger icing.  Loved the icing, but to me the mixture of the banana cupcake with it just wasn't right.  I think that I will have to experiment with these.  I'm not sure if a chocolate cupcake would go better or what.  I just know that it needs tweaking.  It seemed to be the favorite of several people though, so I guess we will just have to see.

The chocolate chip cookie dough cupcake is DIVINE.  The icing is fluffy, delicious, and makes your head spin with its creaminess.  The cupcakes are typically filled.  I had to forgo this step though, as time was slipping away.  For a chocolate chip cookie addict, these are mind blowing.  I made the full on cupcakes last week and sent them to the Hub's work.  They were devoured.

The chocolate peanut butter cupcakes were also delicious.  I still need to tweak them though.  They were something that I had never had before.  In the center of the chocolate cupcake, there is a peanut butter ball.  To me the chocolate cupcake was a bit dry and not as chocolately as I would like.  I need to tweak that.  I want a moister, more chocolate flavored cupcake.  The icing and my own personal recipe of peanut butter ball inside though, was perfect.  I like cupcakes with surprises in the middle.

Strawberry cream cheese, what can you say about that?  They were moist and delicious.  I have no idea how many of those cupcakes that the boy's Grandad put away before the rest of us even ate lunch! 

To me, cooking is about experimenting with food to learn about it, and making it your own.  As I work on these cupcakes, I will keep you posted.  Hopefully, I will get batteries in my camera, more time on my hands, and be able to post some amazing shots of these delectable treats!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The beginning of a new me!!!

Someone told me today that I should start a blog.  So I did!  I am going to post about food yummies and life in general.  I'll make categories.  I'll bore you to tears.  :)